Sample Bilingual Spanish Non-Religious Ceremony

Welcome and Opening Words

Friends, we’ve gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of ____________ and ____________.  As we listen to them they make this public commitment, we are also here to give them our support as they go forward as husband and wife.

Queridos amigos, nos hemos reunido hoy para celebrar la union de ____________ & ____________, quienes han venido a hacer un compromiso para unirse en matrimonio.  Tambien, estamos aquí para dárselos nuestro soporte y apoyo en su jornada como marido y mujer.

Your Intention to Marry

____________ (____________), do you wish to join your life with ____________ as husband and wife?  Do you wish to live together in marriage, to be faithful to her, to love, honor, comfort and care for her in all the seasons of your lives together? If so say I do.

___________ (____________), quieres juntar su vida con _______________ como marido/marida? Deseas vivir juntos como casados, ser fiel, amarla, honrarla/lo, consolarla/lo, y cuidarla/lo en cualquier temporada de sus vidas juntas? Si estás de acuerdo, diga: Si!

Invitation to the Guests and Their Promise to You

Ahora, amigos, prometemos soportarles al ____________ y ____________ en su jornada como maridos, ayudandoles en tiempos buenos y malos, siempre dandose cuenta de que pertenecen uno al otro?

Friends, do you promise to support ____________ and ____________ as they begin this journey together, helping them through good and bad times, and always recognizing that they belong to each other?

From a love letter written by the poet victor Hugo

When two souls which have looked for each other for so long in the crowds have finally found each other, their union is fiery and pure as they themselves are.  Their love begins here on earth and continues forever.  This union is true love…it’s life comes from devotion and passion and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights.

Cuando por fin se encuentran dos almas,
Que durante tanto tiempo se han buscado una a otra entre el gentío,
Cuando advierten que son parejas,
Que se comprenden y corresponden,
En una palabra, que son semejantes,
surge entonces para siempre una unión vehemente y pura como ellas mismas,
una unión que comienza en la tierra y perdura en el cielo.

Esa unión es amor,
amor auténtico, como en verdad muy pocos pueden concebir,
amor que es una religion cuya vida emana
Del fervor y de la pasión y para el que los sacrificios
Más grandes son los gozos más dulces.

We are here to confirm your passion and set you firmly on the path of both sacrifice and delight for the rest of your lives.

The Vows

In this moment, ________ and ________ make promises to each other.  As we hear their words, Let us remember the commitments we make to support and care for those we love.

En este momento, mientras ____________ y ____________ hacen sus promesas solemnes, debemos recordarnos de los compromisos a nuestros familias y amigos que hemos hecho para soportarles y cuidarles con todo amor.

I, ____________, choose you, ____________, to be my wife. I will respect you, care for you, and grow with you, through good times and hard times, as your friend, companion, and partner, giving the best that I can, to fulfill our lives together.”  (then repeat for ____________)

Presentation of the Rings

Ya habiendo hecho promesas de amar y cuidar uno por el otro, ____________ y ____________ quieren ofrecer un anillo como símbolo de su amor.

Having made promises to love and care for each other, ____________ and ____________ wish to give each other a ring as a symbol of their never-ending love.

Exchange of Rings

____________/____________, I give you this ring as a sign of my loving commitment, for today, tomorrow and for always.

Declaration of Marriage

En este dia, ____________, y ____________, han aceptado unirse en matrimonio y han expresado su compromiso el uno al otro.

Today, ____________ and ____________ have made proimses to each other and bound themselves together in marriage.  Therefore, with the authority given to by the state of California, I pronounce them husband and wife.

Los declaro marido y mujer.

6 thoughts on “Sample Bilingual Spanish Non-Religious Ceremony

  1. This was a wonderful guide in helping with our marriage. We had two good friends each take a part in their native tongue. As half our guests were native Spanish speakers and half were native English speakers with a few other languages thrown in, everyone felt included! Thanks to whoever put this together.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The part of, “Your intention to Marry”, seems the Spanish translation is missing. The invitation to guest using the Spanish, parts seem omitted.

    Thank you For taking the time to write & translate these vows.


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